§ 8-5-5 Reports of superior, family anddistrict court and traffic tribunal. Court reporters shall report stenographically or electronic court reporters orsimilar recording personnel shall report electronically the proceedings in thetrial of every action or proceeding, civil or criminal, in the superior court,family court, district court and traffic tribunal. Each court reporter orelectronic court reporter or similar recording personnel shall also, upon theorder of any justice of the court, transcribe or otherwise reproduce his or herreport to be filed with the papers in the case. He or she shall also make atranscript of or otherwise reproduce the whole or any part of the report uponthe written request, filed with the clerk, by either party to the action orproceeding, and when completed and within the time limited by the court forfiling the transcript, shall immediately deliver the transcript to the partyordering it, or to the attorney of record of the party, and in the case oftranscription by court reporters for such service shall be paid a reasonablecompensation, not less than five dollars ($5.00) and not exceeding threedollars ($3.00) per page for originals and one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50)per page for copies thereof, to be allowed by the court; and, in case thetranscript is used in subsequent proceedings in the cause, the cost of thetranscript may be allowed as a part of the costs. In the case of electroniccourt recordings the person making the recordings or another person sodesignated by the court may be requested or ordered, in lieu of making atranscript, to reproduce the recording and certify its authenticity, and insuch case each party requesting the reproduction shall pay to the court the sumof ten dollars ($10.00) per cassette.