§ 8-5-6 Appointing court reporter andelectronic court reporter for grand jury proceedings. Whenever the attorney-general shall make request in writing to the presidingjustice of the superior court, he or she shall designate a court reporter orelectronic court reporter or similar recording personnel to attend suchsittings of any grand jury as the attorney-general may designate and to reportstenographically in the case of the court reporter or electronically in thecase of an electronic court reporter or similar recording personnel thetestimony given before the grand jury, and it shall be lawful for the courtreporter or electronic court reporter or similar recording personnel to attendsuch sittings for such purpose; provided, that the court reporter or electroniccourt reporter or similar recording personnel shall not be present during thedeliberations of the grand jury or other proceedings, except during the takingof testimony. The court reporter or electronic court reporter or similarrecording personnel shall, in all cases, before entering upon such duties, befirst sworn by the clerk of the court to secrecy. He or she shall transcribesuch testimony as the attorney-general may direct, and all such transcripts orrecordings shall be delivered forthwith to the attorney-general.