§ 8-5-8 Interpreters for deaf and hearingimpaired persons. – (a) In all civil and criminal cases, in workers' compensation, district,family, and superior court, and in the state traffic tribunal, and in any casein any municipal court pursuant to chapter 18 of this title, where a party or awitness is a person who is deaf or hard of hearing, he or she shall have theproceedings of the trial interpreted to him or her in a language that he or shecan understand by a qualified interpreter appointed by the court. In any casewhere an interpreter is required to be appointed by the court under thissection, the court shall not commence proceedings until the appointedinterpreter is in court in a position not exceeding ten feet (10') from and infull view of the person who is deaf or hard of hearing. The interpreterappointed under the terms of the section shall be required to take an oath thathe or she will make a true interpretation to the person who is deaf or hard ofhearing of all the proceedings of the case in a language that he or sheunderstands; and will repeat the answer of the person who is deaf or hard ofhearing to questions to counsel, court, or jury in the English language, in hisor her best skill and judgment.
(b) For the purposes of this section, "person who is hard ofhearing" means a person who as a result of a hearing impairment, requires signlanguage and/or speech reading as part of his or her communication system. A"qualified interpreter" means an interpreter for the person who is hard ofhearing skilled in sign language or oral interpretation and transliteration,having the ability to communicate accurately with a person who is deaf or hardof hearing. An interpreter shall be deemed qualified as determined by thecommission on the deaf and hard of hearing, based upon recommendations from thecommission and the deaf and hard of hearing interpreter screening committee,the Rhode Island association of the deaf, the national registry of interpretersfor the deaf, and other appropriate agencies. The commission on the deaf andhard of hearing shall coordinate all requests for qualified interpreters andshall maintain a list of all such interpreters from which it shall fill suchrequests. No interpreter is precluded from being further examined by the courtsystem.
(c) Interpreters appointed under the terms of the sectionshall be paid by the state or municipality a reasonable compensation fixed bythe court.
Practice Areas: Bankruptcy
Practice Areas: Attorneys General