§ 8-5-9 Right to stenographic record. (a) Where not already provided by law, any party to any legal action shall havethe right to have a stenographer present provided that the party bears theexpense of the stenographer, his or her transcription, and any other expensesincidental thereto. For purposes of this section the term "legal action" shallinclude all formal proceedings before any court or quasijudicial authority, alladministrative hearings described in § 42-35-9, all zoning hearings, alldistrict court trials, and all workers' compensation formal proceedings.
(b) It shall be the duty of the party desiring the servicesof a stenographer to secure the presence of the stenographer, and there shallbe no right to a continuance because of the unavailability of a stenographer.
(c) The provisions of this section shall not be construed topermit stenographers to attend grand jury proceedings as a matter of right.