§ 8-7-2 Sessions of superior court. The superior court shall be in session every year as follows:
(1) At Providence, for the counties of Providence andBristol, on a continuous basis; provided, that the presiding justice shalldetermine the duration of the various court calendars;
(2) Within and for the county of Newport, for a period of notless than thirty-six (36) weeks during the court year;
(3) Within and for the county of Kent, for a period of notless than thirty-six (36) weeks during the court year;
(4) Within and for the county of Washington, for a period ofnot less than thirty-six (36) weeks during the court year;
(5) At such other times and places as the presiding justiceshall fix and determine; provided, that the superior court held within and forthe counties of Providence and Bristol shall from time to time make up lists ofcauses to be tried at Woonsocket and shall sit at Woonsocket for a term of notless than twelve (12) weeks during the court year; and provided, further, thatany trial in any of the counties commenced within any regular or specialsession may be continued thereafter with the consent of the court.