§ 8-8.2-11 Allowance to surviving spousesor domestic partners of deceased judges. Whenever any judge of the administrative adjudication court or any judge of theadministrative adjudication court who is reassigned by this chapter to thetraffic tribunal dies after retirement or during active service while eligiblefor retirement, the judge's surviving spouse or domestic partner shall receiveannually thereafter during his or her lifetime and so long as he or she remainsunmarried or not in a domestic partnership, an amount equal to one third (1/3)of the annual payment that the administrative judge was receiving by way ofsalary or retirement pay at the time of his or her death. Whenever a judge ofthe administrative adjudication court or any judge of the administrativeadjudication court who is reassigned by this act to the traffic tribunal shalldie without having become eligible to retire under § 8-8.2-6 and hasserved ten (10) years or more in office, his or her surviving spouse ordomestic partner shall receive annually thereafter during the spouse's ordomestic partner's lifetime and so long as he or she remains unmarried or notin a domestic partnership, one fourth (1/4) of the annual salary that the judgewas receiving at the time of his or her death.
Any judge who retires under the provisions of § 8-8.2-6may at his or her option elect to receive three fourths (3/4) of his or herretirement pay, and where the option is exercised by giving the generaltreasurer notice in writing thereof within two (2) years after the date of hisor her retirement, his or her surviving spouse or domestic partner shallreceive annually one half (1/2) of his or her retirement pay during thespouse's or domestic partner's lifetime so long as he or she remains unmarriedor not in a domestic partnership.