§ 8-8-12 Duties of chief judge. (a) The chief judge shall be the administrative head of the district court andshall be responsible for its operation and the efficient use of its manpower.To this end he or she shall:
(1) Hold court in any division when he or she deems itnecessary;
(2) Assign judges to hold court in the various divisions;
(3) Designate the place or places for holding court in eachdivision;
(4) Fix the time for holding court in each division andsupervise the calendars;
(5) Report annually to the chief justice of the supreme courton the state of the business of the district court;
(6) Supervise the collection and publication of statisticspertaining to the court;
(7) Supervise the management of the records of the court;
(8) Determine the time of vacations to be taken by thedistrict judges;
(9) Preside over the district court conference and designatethe time and place that it shall be held;
(10) Promulgate rules and regulations relating to:
(i) The licensing of constables to serve certain districtcourt civil process; and
(ii) The duties and conduct of licensed constables;
(11) [Deleted by P.L. 2007, ch. 154, § 1 and P.L.2007, ch. 160, § 1].
(b) The chief judge of the district court may designate anassociate judge of the district court as administrative judge of the districtcourt. The administrative judge may exercise such administrative authority asmay be delegated to him or her by the chief judge. The administrative judgeshall receive an increase in compensation which shall be set pursuant to §8-15-4.
(c) The chief judge of the district court shall appointsufficient court recorders to enable all proceedings to be recorded byelectronic means and who shall assist in such other clerical duties subject tothe labor laws of this state and applicable collective bargaining agreement asmay be prescribed from time to time by the chief judge of the district court.