§ 8-8-17 Duties of division clerks. The clerk of each division of the district court shall:
(1) Keep a docket, and an alphabetical index thereof, eitherin writing or by means of an electronic information storage system or otherdata compilation system, of all actions, complaints, or proceedings, either ofa civil or criminal nature, that may be entered or had in the division, andshall note in the docket against each case the decision or determinationthereof, all subsequent proceedings, and the judgment therein, and, in allcriminal cases, the fines or imprisonment to which the defendant may besentenced.
(2) Record the decisions, judgments, and proceedings of thedivision in a book to be kept for that purpose or in an electronic informationstorage system or any other data compilation system.
(3) Tax costs, including officer's fees, in all cases, civilor criminal, that may be entered, commenced, or pending in the division; alltaxation by the clerk shall be subject to revision by any district judgesitting in the division.
(4) Receive all fines and costs in criminal cases and allcourt fees in civil cases and account therefor as by law required.
(5) Have custody of the seal of the division.