§ 8-8-3.2 Record and appeal of housingmatters. (a) An electronic record shall be made of the proceedings in the trial orhearing of every action in the district court under the provisions of §8-8-3(a)(4). If ordered by the judge trying or hearing the matter a typewrittentranscription of the record shall be made and shall be filed with the papers ofthe case. The transcript shall be completed and filed within the time allowedby the court. A copy of the transcript shall be delivered forthwith to theattorneys of record and for the typing of the transcript a reasonable fee shallbe allowed by the court. In the event the typewritten transcription is used insubsequent proceedings the cost of obtaining the transcript shall be allowed aspart of the cost of the case.
(b) Any party aggrieved by a final judgment, decree, or orderof the district court under § 8-8-3(a)(4) may, within twenty (20) daysafter entry of judgment, petition the supreme court of the state of RhodeIsland for a writ of certiorari to review any errors involved. The petition fora writ of certiorari shall set forth the errors claimed. Upon the filing ofsuch a petition with the clerk of the supreme court, the supreme court may, ifit sees fit, issue its writ of certiorari to the district court to certify tothe supreme court the record of the proceedings in the case together with anytranscript of the proceedings furnished by the petitioner at his or her expense.