§ 8-8-7 Judges Temporary service inother courts. (a) A district court judge shall devote full time to his or her judicialduties. He or she shall not practice law while holding office, nor shall he orshe be a partner or associate of any person in the practice of law.
(b) A district court judge shall be eligible to sit in anydivision, and, on assignment by the chief justice of the supreme court, shallbe eligible to sit for temporary periods in the superior and family courts. Adistrict court judge sitting in the superior or family court shall receive thesame salary as a superior or family court judge would receive, and if thedistrict court judge sits for only a portion of a two (2) week pay period inthose courts, he or she shall be paid for the entire two (2) week period at thehigher rate of pay.
(c) A district court judge, subject to the approval of thechief justice of the supreme court, the presiding justice of the superior courtand the chief judge of the district court, may serve on the superior courtcalendar to preside over district court de novo appeals. A district court judgesitting in the superior court presiding over district court de novo appealsshall receive the same salary as a superior court judge would receive.