§ 8-8-9 Vacancies. (a) Whenever any person appointed to the office of chief judge or associatejudge shall fail to accept and qualify for the office or there is a vacancy inthe office caused by death, resignation, retirement, removal, or any othercause whatsoever while the senate is in session, the governor shall appointsome person to fill the vacancy, and submit his or her appointment to thesenate for confirmation in accordance with the general laws governing judicialselection.
(b) Whenever the chief judge shall be unable, by reason ofillness, to perform the duties of his or her office, or there is a vacancy inthe office, the associate judge having precedence, who is present and qualifiedto act, shall perform the duties of the office until the inability is removedor, in the case of a vacancy, until the vacancy shall be filled in accordancewith the general laws governing judicial selection. In the event that the chiefjudge determines that his or her absence will prevent him or her fromperforming the duties of his or her office, he or she shall designate anassociate judge to perform those duties during the period of his or her absence.
(c) The associate judges shall have precedence according tothe dates of their commissions, or when the commission of two (2) or more ofthem bear the same date, according to their ages.