§ 8-9-10 Appointment and supervision oftemporary custodians of decedents' estates. Every probate court may appoint any suitable person or persons as custodian orcustodians to have the charge and care of the real and personal property ofdeceased persons, the settlement of whose estates is within the jurisdiction ofthe court, until letters testamentary or of administration are granted; thecourt may require the custodians to give bond to the court, with or withoutsurety or sureties, in its discretion; the court may also, in its discretion,authorize the custodians to sell any property that may come to their possessionby virtue of the appointment, and to take any other action that the court maydirect. The custodians shall in all things be subject to the control of thecourt and act under its direction, and shall receive a reasonable compensationout of the estate.