§ 8-9-11 Power to take probate and grantadministration of decedents' estates. The probate court of any town or city shall take the probate of wills and grantadministration on the estate of deceased persons who, at the time of theirdecease, were inhabitants of or residents in the town or city, and of otherpersons, not having any residence in this state, who die leaving rights,credits, or estates, real or personal, within the town or city; provided, thatthe first probate of the will, and the first grant of administration on theestate, of any deceased person who, at the time of his decease, was not aninhabitant of or resident within this state, shall bar any other probate orgrant of administration, although the deceased person may have left rights,credits, or estates, real or personal, in any other town or city in this state.