§ 8-9-15 Annulment of probate of will. When it shall appear to a probate court, pending proceedings before it for thesettlement of an estate as a testate estate, that the will under which theproceedings were had has been revoked by the testator, the court shall havepower to annul any order or decree proving the will so revoked and any otherorder or decree made by the court in the settlement of the estate under thewill. The court shall have power to proceed with the settlement of the estateunder a subsequent will, if there is one; or, if there is none, to grantadministration on the estate and proceed with the settlement thereof as anintestate estate, after such notice to all parties in interest as the courtshall order; but the preceding executor or administrator shall not bepersonally liable for any thing done by him or her in good faith and in theline of his or her duties before the decree of annulment.