§ 8-9-22 Presumption of death from seadisaster. If a person shall be lost in a sea disaster, the subject of which has beeninvestigated by the United States Navy, the United States Coast Guard, or asimilar agency in a foreign country, and after due and diligent search therewas a finding by the Navy, Coast Guard, or similar agency that the person waslost in a sea disaster which finding is supported by testimony given by aneyewitness to the disaster, then any heir of the person may, after six (6)months of the date of the finding by the Navy, Coast Guard, or similar agency,produce the finding in the appropriate probate court and it shall be deemedprima facie evidence of the death of the person so as to allow foradministration of his estate. Should more than one person be lost in the seadisaster, the Navy or Coast Guard or similar agency's finding shall be primafacie evidence of death even if not supported by eyewitness testimony.