§ 9-1-14.1 Limitation on malpracticeactions. Notwithstanding the provisions of §§ 9-1-13 and 9-1-14, an action formedical, veterinarian, accounting, or insurance or real estate agent or brokermalpractice shall be commenced within three (3) years from the time of theoccurrence of the incident which gave rise to the action; provided, however,that:
(1) One who is under disability by reason of age, mentalincompetence, or otherwise, and on whose behalf no action is brought within theperiod of three (3) years from the time of the occurrence of the incident,shall bring the action within three (3) years from the removal of thedisability.
(2) In respect to those injuries or damages due to acts ofmedical, veterinarian, accounting, or insurance or real estate agent or brokermalpractice which could not in the exercise of reasonable diligence bediscoverable at the time of the occurrence of the incident which gave rise tothe action, suit shall be commenced within three (3) years of the time that theact or acts of the malpractice should, in the exercise of reasonable diligence,have been discovered.