§ 9-1-14.4 Limitations on home inspectormalpractice actions. Notwithstanding the provisions of §§ 9-1-13 and 9-1-14, an actionagainst a licensed home inspector for injury or damage arising out of a homeinspection shall be commenced within three (3) years of delivery to the clientof the written home inspection report giving rise to the action; provided,however, that:
(1) One who is under disability by reason of age, mentalincompetence, or otherwise, and on whose behalf no action is brought within theperiod of three (3) years from the foregoing date of delivery, shall bring theaction within three (3) years from the removal of the disability;
(2) In respect to those injuries or damages arising out of ahome inspection which could not in the exercise of reasonable diligence bediscovered at the time of delivery of the inspection report, suit shall becommenced within three (3) years of the time that the injuries or damagesarising out of the home inspection should, in the exercise of reasonablediligence, have been discovered.