§ 9-1-18 Effect of absence from state onlimitations. If any person against whom there is or shall be cause for any action, asenumerated in this chapter, in favor of a resident of the state, shall at thetime the cause accrues be outside the limits of the state, or being within thestate at the time the cause accrues shall go out of the state before the actionis barred by the provisions of this chapter, and does not have or leaveproperty or estate in the state that can be attached by process of law, thenthe person entitled to the action may commence the action, within the timebefore limited, after the person has returned into the state in such a mannerthat an action may, with reasonable diligence, be commenced against him or herby the person entitled to the action; provided, however, that no action shallbe brought by any person upon a cause of action accruing outside this statewhich was barred by limitation or otherwise in the state, territory, or countryin which the cause of action arose while he or she resided in the state.