§ 9-1-27.3 Court appointed law clerkadvocate program Immunity from liability. The state shall protect and hold harmless any law clerk employed by the supremecourt participating in the court appointed law clerk advocate program fromfinancial loss and expenses, including legal fees and costs, if any, arisingout of any claim, demand, or suit for damages resulting from acts or omissionscommitted in the discharge of his or her duties with the program which mayconstitute negligence, but which acts are not wanton, malicious, or grosslynegligent as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction. The supreme courtshall, by order, promulgate rules governing the court appointed law clerkadvocate program, defining the types of cases and proceedings in which the lawclerks, who have passed the Rhode Island bar, may participate as advocatesunder that program, and providing for appropriate general supervision of thelaw clerk advocates within that program by experienced members of the bar ofthis state.