§ 9-1-29 Constructors of improvements toreal property Immunity from liability. No action (including arbitration proceedings) in tort to recover damages shallbe brought against any architect or professional engineer who designed,planned, or supervised to any extent the construction of improvements to realproperty, or against any contractor or subcontractor who constructed theimprovements to real property, or material suppliers who furnished materialsfor the construction of the improvements, on account of any deficiency in thedesign, planning, supervision, or observation of construction or constructionof any such improvements or in the materials furnished for the improvements:
(1) For injury to property, real or personal, arising out ofany such deficiency;
(2) For injury to the person or for wrongful death arisingout of any such deficiency; or
(3) For contribution or indemnity for damages sustained onaccount of any injury mentioned in subdivisions (1) and (2) hereof more thanten (10) years after substantial completion of such an improvement; provided,however, that this shall not be construed to extend the time in which actionsmay otherwise be brought under §§ 9-1-13 and 9-1-14.