§ 9-1-5 Liability of landlord forimprovements to real estate by tenant by oral lease. The owner of real estate who induces a tenant to occupy it by promising to givehim or her a lease of the real estate, the term of which is more than one year,shall be liable, if he or she fails or refuses to fulfill his or her promise,for the cost to the tenant of all improvements, repairs, alterations,betterments, and equipment made to, or placed upon the occupied premises, inreliance upon the promise and with the approval of the owner; provided,however, that this section shall not apply in case of a definite letting whererent is reserved or paid, nor in case the unfulfilled promise of the owner isin writing and is itself legally enforceable, nor in case of original orcontinued occupancy of the premises under a written instrument, signed by theparties. Such costs shall be recoverable by the tenant, his or hers heirs,executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, in a civil action for moneyhad and received, brought against the owner, his or her heirs, executors,administrators, successors, or assigns, commenced within one year after thetermination of the original tenancy, and not thereafter. Neither the tender ofthe promised lease after termination of, or notice of intention to terminate,the original tenancy, nor delay during occupancy to begin suit, shall prejudiceor defeat the action.