§ 9-12-10.1 Claim of appeal to superiorcourt in landlord tenant actions. In any civil action pursuant to chapter 18 of title 34, in the district courtor other appropriate court, any party may cause the case to be removed fortrial on all questions of law and fact to the superior court for the county inwhich division the suit is pending, by claiming an appeal from the judgment ofthe district or other appropriate court, in writing, filed with the clerk ofthe division within five (5) days after the judgment is entered; provided, thatthe party claiming the appeal at the time of claiming the appeal, shall pay tothe clerk all costs including an attorney's fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) forthe party or parties adversely interested in the judgment, to be paid by theclerk to the attorney for the adverse party; provided, further, that costsshall not be taxed, exclusive of the attorney's fee, at a sum less thantwenty-five dollars ($25.00).