§ 9-2-9 Restricted liability on instrumentsigned as fiduciary. Where an instrument contains, or a person adds to his or her signature, wordsindicating that he or she contracts or signs in his or her representativecapacity as trustee, executor, administrator, guardian, or conservator, he orshe shall not be personally liable on the instrument, if he or she was dulyauthorized to make the instrument in his or her representative capacity; shouldan action on the instrument be brought against the trustee, executor,administrator, guardian, or conservator in his or her representative capacity,or against his or her successor, an execution on any judgment obtained againsthim or her shall run only against the goods, chattels, and real estate of theestate in the hands and possession of the trustee, executor, administrator,guardian, or conservator, or his or her successor, and not against his or herown property and estate; provided, that upon a suggestion of waste as providedin § 33-9-28, a civil action may be brought against him or herpersonallyin the manner provided in § 33-9-28, and the procedure shall be inconformity with § 33-9-28 and applicable procedural rules.