§ 9-20-5 Assumption of risk in use ofoff-road vehicles. (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of § 9-20-4, in any legal actionagainst the state or any political subdivision thereof, an operator orpassenger of: (1) a recreational vehicle as defined in § 31-3.2-1(8) or(2) a snowmobile as defined in § 31-3.2-1(11), or (3) an all terrainvehicle (A.T.V.), or (4) a motor vehicle primarily designed for use off publicroads, shall while on state property assume as a matter of law the risksinherent in such operation insofar as they are obvious and necessary.
(b) The director of the department of environmentalmanagement shall post signs warning operators and passengers that they assumethe risk of injury while on state property. Provided, however, that the lack ofsigns shall not be admissible in a suit for negligence.