§ 9-24-12 Remand after decision on appeal Further proceedings. Upon reversal or modification of the decree or judgment appealed from, thesupreme court may remand the cause to the superior court with such directionsas are necessary and proper, or may take such further proceedings in the causeas justice and the speedy determination of the cause may require, and after theproceedings shall remand the cause. In any such case, the supreme court, ifpracticable, shall determine the form of the final decree or judgment beforeremanding the cause to the superior court. In case the supreme court shallaffirm the decree or judgment appealed from, it shall certify its affirmationand remand the cause to the superior court for further proceedings. In everycase, the supreme court, upon remanding a cause to the superior court, shalltransmit all the papers in the cause to the superior court, and the finaldecree or judgment shall be entered in the superior court.