§ 9-24-27 Certifications of questions ofimportance to the supreme court. Whenever in any proceedings, civil or criminal, legal or equitable, in thesuperior court or in any district court, any question of law shall arise or theconstitutionality of an act of the general assembly shall be brought inquestion upon the record, which, in the opinion of the court, or in the opinionof the attorney general if the state is a party to the proceeding or if he orshe has intervened therein, is of such doubt and importance and so affects themerits of the controversy that it ought to be determined by the supreme courtbefore further proceedings, the court in which the cause is pending shallcertify the question or motion to the supreme court for that purpose and stayall further proceedings until the question is heard and determined; provided,that no question shall be so certified in any criminal case where the defendanthas not been released on bail.