§ 9-24-33 Procedure for state's appeal. The attorney general shall file notice of his or her intention to appeal to thesupreme court with the clerk of the superior or family court, together with awritten request to the court stenographer for a transcript for so much of thetestimony as may be required, within twenty (20) days after any adversefinding, ruling, decision, order, or judgment is entered or made, when such hasbeen entered or made, before the defendant has been placed in jeopardy; and thefiling shall stay the finding, ruling, decision, order, or judgment which theattorney general is appealing; and if after trial, the defendant has filednotice of his or her intention to appeal to the supreme court, the attorneygeneral shall file notice of his or her intention to appeal to the supremecourt within twenty (20) days thereof, in the same manner as provided. Anappeal taken pursuant to this section shall proceed in accordance with therules of appellate procedure of the supreme court.