§ 9-25-15 Cases in which execution mayissue against body. An execution, original, alias, or pluries, may issue against the body of adefendant not exempt from arrest in an action which shall have been broughtupon a penal statute, or in an action sounding in tort in which the title toreal estate was not in dispute, or against bail in criminal cases, or wheneverthe defendant shall have been arrested and held to bail upon a writ of arrestor writ of mesne process therein, or whenever it shall be made to appear to thecourt which rendered the judgment in the action, or to any justice thereof,that the defendant is about to leave the state without leaving thereinsufficient real or personal estate to satisfy the judgment, or that thedefendant has been guilty of fraud in fact involving moral turpitude orintentional wrong either in contracting the debt for the recovery of which thejudgment was rendered or in the concealment, detention or disposition of his orher property; provided, however, that no execution, original, alias or pluries,shall issue against the body of a defendant unless so ordered by a justice ofthe superior court or a justice of a district court upon the written ex partemotion of a party named in the action.