§ 9-25-7 Form of superior court writ ofexecution. A writ of execution issued by the superior court shall be substantially in thefollowing form:
To the sheriffs of our several counties, or to their deputies,
(SEAL) Greeting:
Whereas of by theconsideration of the SUPERIOR COURT holden at did onthe dayof recoverjudgment against of for thesum of debt(or damages) and costsof suit, as to us appears of record, whereof execution remains to be done: Wecommand you, therefore, that of the goods and chattels and real estate of thesaid ,within your precinct, you cause to be levied and paid unto the said theaforesaid sums, being in thewhole, with 50 cents more for this writ; and thereof also to satisfy yourselffor your own fees; [and for want of the goods and chattels and real estateof the said to befound in your precinct to satisfy and pay the same as aforesaid, we command youto take the body of the said and commitunto our correctional institution in your precinct, therein to be kept until pay thefull sum above mentioned, with your fees, or until bedischarged by the said orotherwise by order of law.]
Hereof fail not, and make true return of this writ and ofyour doings thereon to our superior court at for ourcounty of on the day of A.D. .
Witness, the seal of our superior court at this day of in theyear ., Clerk.