§ 9-29-20 Supreme court fees. (a) The supreme court, by a majority of its members, shall have the power toprescribe by rule a fee of not more than one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00)for docketing a civil appeal or docketing any other proceeding brought toreview a civil matter, and to prescribe a waiver of the fee as to a person whois unable to pay the fee.
(b) Commencing July 1, 1992, in addition to the fees setforth herein, the court, by a majority of its members, shall have the power toprescribe by rule a surcharge in the amount of forty ($40.00) for docketing acivil appeal or docketing any other proceeding brought to review a civil matter.
(c) Commencing July 1, 1999, the court may increase thesurcharge to eighty-five dollars ($85.00).