§ 9-32-3 Notice of filing. (a) At the time of the filing of the foreign judgment, the judgment creditor orhis or her lawyer shall make and file with the clerk of court an affidavitsetting forth the name and last known post office address of the judgmentdebtor and the judgment creditor.
(b) Promptly upon the filing of the foreign judgment and theaffidavit, the clerk shall mail notice of the filing of the foreign judgment tothe judgment debtor at the address given and shall make a note of the mailingin the docket. The notice shall include the name and post office address of thejudgment creditor and the judgment creditor's lawyer, if any, in this state. Inaddition, the judgment creditor may mail a notice of the filing of the judgmentto the judgment debtor and may file proof of mailing with the clerk. Lack ofmailing notice of filing by the clerk shall not affect the enforcementproceedings if proof of mailing by the judgment creditor has been filed.
(c) No execution or other process for enforcement of aforeign judgment filed hereunder shall issue until 20 days after the date thejudgment is filed.