§ 9-5-23 Time of service of original writs Writs returnable on holiday. Every original writ issuing from the superior court shall be returnable theretoon the day named in the writ, and shall be served not less than ten (10) normore than sixty (60) days before the return day thereof, except in those casesin which special provision by law shall be made to the contrary; and everyoriginal writ issuing from a district court shall be served not less than six(6) nor more than twenty (20) days before the return day thereof; provided,that writs issued in civil actions returnable to any court on a legal holidayshall not thereby abate, but may be entered on the next court day of the courtfor civil business with the same effect as if made returnable at such latercourt day, and in such event all periods of time for pleading and for action ofevery character in the case shall begin to run from the court day nextfollowing the legal holiday.