§ 9-5-8 Power of New Shoreham townsergeant Bond. The town sergeant of the town of New Shoreham is hereby authorized andempowered to serve any writ and civil or criminal process in the town of NewShoreham and the waters adjacent thereto within the jurisdiction of the state,the ad damnum of which does not exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000), as fullyand effectually as the sheriff of Newport county; provided, that the townsergeant of New Shoreham give bond, with two (2) sufficient sureties, to thegeneral treasurer in the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000). In case anyperson is injured by the breach of the bond, he or she may sue upon the bond inlike manner as he or she might do upon a sheriff's bond in a like case underthe provisions of §§ 42-29-12 and 42-29-13.