SECTION 1-31-10. Commission for Minority Affairs created; composition; majority to be African-American; term of office; filling vacancies.
There is created a State Commission for Minority Affairs consisting of nine members and the Governor ex officio. The Governor must appoint one person from each of the six congressional districts of the State and three persons from the State at large upon the advice and consent of the Senate. The Governor shall designate the chairman. The members serve for a term of four years and until their successors are appointed and qualify. A vacancy must be filled in the same manner as original appointment for the remainder of the unexpired term. A majority of the members of the commission must be African American.
SECTION 1-31-20. Commission to meet at least quarterly; purpose.
The commission must meet quarterly and at other times as the chairman determines necessary to study the causes and effects of the socio-economic deprivation of minorities in the State and to implement programs necessary to address inequities confronting minorities in the State.
SECTION 1-31-30. Hiring of executive director and other personnel; appropriations.
The commission is authorized to hire an executive director and other personnel necessary to carry out its duties and functions under this chapter. The General Assembly shall provide for the funds in the annual appropriations act.
SECTION 1-31-40. Powers and duties of Commission.
(A) The commission shall:
(1) provide the minority community consisting of African Americans, Native American Indians, Hispanics/Latinos, Asians, and others with a single point of contact for statistical and technical assistance in the areas of research and planning for a greater economic future;
(2) work with minority officials on the state, county, and local levels of government in disseminating statistical data and its impact on their constituencies;
(3) provide for publication of a statewide statistical abstract on minority affairs;
(4) provide statistical analyses for members of the General Assembly on the state of minority communities as the State experiences economic growth and changes;
(5) provide the minority community with assistance and information on Voting Rights Act submissions in the State, as well as other related areas of concern to the minority community;
(6) determine, approve, and acknowledge by certification state recognition for Native American Indian entities; however, notwithstanding their state certification, the tribes have no power or authority to take any action which would establish, advance, or promote any form of gambling in this State;
(7) establish advisory committees representative of minority groups, as the commission considers appropriate to advise the commission;
(8) act as liaison with the business community to provide programs and opportunities to fulfill its duties under this chapter;
(9) seek federal and other funding on behalf of the State of South Carolina for the express purpose of implementing various programs and services for African Americans, Native American Indians, Hispanics/Latinos, Asians, and other minority groups;
(10) promulgate regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this article including, but not limited to, regulations regarding State Recognition of Native American Indian entities in the State of South Carolina;
(11) establish and maintain a twenty-four hour toll free telephone number and electronic website in accordance with Section 8-30-10; and
(12) perform other duties necessary to implement programs.
(B) The commission may delegate these powers and duties as necessary.
(C) Nothing in this chapter recognizes, creates, extends, or forms the basis of any right or claim of interest in land or real estate in this State for any Native American tribe which is recognized by the State.
SECTION 1-31-50. Promulgation of regulations to carry out duties.
The commission may promulgate those regulations necessary to carry out its duties under this chapter.