SECTION 12-21-10. Administration of chapter; rules and regulations; county officers shall assist.
The department shall administer and enforce the taxes imposed by this chapter and shall prescribe rules and regulations pertinent to such enforcement. County treasurers and other county officers designated by the department shall assist in such administration by distributing regulations, giving information, selling stamps, reporting violations and in other ways not inconsistent with their respective offices to the extent and in the manner required by regulations of the department.
SECTION 12-21-20. Preparation and distribution of stamps.
The department shall cause to be prepared and distributed for the payment of the taxes prescribed in this chapter stamps suitable for denoting the tax on the documents or articles enumerated in this chapter.
SECTION 12-21-30. Sale of stamps.
The department may engage any person to sell tax stamps and shall allow as compensation for receiving, selling and accounting for such stamps three per cent of the sale price thereof.
SECTION 12-21-40. Affixing of stamps.
Stamps shall be affixed in such manner that their removal will require continued application of steam or water. But the department may prescribe such other method for the affixing of such stamps in substitution for or in addition to the method provided in this section as it may deem expedient.
SECTION 12-21-50. Use of business license meter impressions.
The use of business license meter impressions, in lieu of revenue stamps, on cigarettes or other commodities required by law to carry State revenue stamps, may be permitted, in the discretion of the department.
SECTION 12-21-60. Cancellation of stamps.
Whenever an adhesive stamp is used for denoting any tax imposed by this chapter on documents, except as otherwise provided, the person using or affixing such stamp shall write, stamp or cause to be written or stamped thereon the initials of his name and the date upon which the stamp is attached or used, so that it may not again be used. But the department may prescribe such other method for the cancellation of such stamps as it may deem expedient.
SECTION 12-21-70. Fee for issuing duplicate license.
Whenever any license required under the provisions of this chapter is lost or misplaced or for any reason the issuance of a duplicate license is necessitated, the person to whom such duplicate license is issued shall pay a fee of one dollar for the issuance of such duplicate to the department. The fee shall be turned in to the State Treasurer as other funds collected by the department.
SECTION 12-21-80. Payment of tax by temporary, transient or itinerant businesses; penalties.
In the case of any person engaging in a temporary, transient or itinerant business which is taxable under the provisions of this chapter, the entire tax shall be paid upon demand by the department or any duly authorized agent thereof, and in case the tax is not paid upon demand all penalties provided for by this chapter shall immediately apply.
SECTION 12-21-90. Refunds when goods have been shipped out of State; affidavit and acknowledgment.
In case any goods, wares or merchandise upon which business or soft drinks license stamps or soft drinks license crowns have been placed or have been sold and shipped to a regular dealer in such articles in another state, the seller in this State shall be entitled to a refund of the actual amount of the tax paid upon condition that the seller in this State shall make affidavit that the goods were so sold and shipped and that he shall furnish from the purchaser a written acknowledgment that he has received such goods and the amount of stamps or crowns thereon, together with the name and address of the purchaser. Upon receipt of such affidavit and acknowledgment the department shall issue to the seller in this State its warrant or order upon the State Treasurer for the amount thereof, which warrant or order shall be paid by the State Treasurer or, in the case of soft drink license stamps or crowns, such stamps or crowns of sufficient value to cover the refund.
SECTION 12-21-100. Exemption of certain articles sold to United States for military use or resale to military personnel; sale to ships engaged in foreign or coastwise shipping.
Beer, wine, soft drinks or any goods, wares and merchandise subject to tax under the provisions of this chapter shall be exempt from such tax when sold to the United States Government or United States Government instrumentality for Army, Navy, Marine or Air Force purposes and delivered to a place lawfully ceded to the United States, or delivered to a ship belonging to the United States Navy for distribution and sale to members of the military establishment only, or when sold and delivered to ships regularly engaged in foreign or coastwise shipping between points in this State and points outside the State. Any goods, the sale of which is exempt by this section, may be stored and delivered without payment of the tax imposed by this chapter if stored and delivered in accordance with regulations to be promulgated by the South Carolina Department of Revenue.
SECTION 12-21-110. Refunds when goods have been damaged.
The department may promulgate rules and regulations providing for the refund to dealers of the cost of stamps affixed to goods which by reason of damage become unfit for sale and are destroyed by the dealer or returned to the manufacturer or, in the case of the soft drink tax, in the event of any other legitimate loss that may occur upon proof of such loss to manufacturers.
SECTION 12-21-120. Rules and regulations as to refunds.
The department may promulgate rules and regulations to prevent any abuse of the provisions contained in this chapter providing for refunds.
SECTION 12-21-130. Revolving fund; use for purchase of crowns and admission tickets.
In the business license tax division of the department there is established a revolving fund in the sum of fifty thousand dollars for the purchase of crowns and admission tickets and all payments from such fund shall be refunded as the fund is depleted out of revenues collected from the sale of crowns or tickets.
SECTION 12-21-140. Payment of taxes; disposition of taxes collected; remittance sheets.
All persons taxable under the provisions of this chapter shall pay such taxes to the department. The department shall remit to the State Treasurer all moneys collected under the provisions of this chapter and all such remittances shall be accompanied by a typewritten statement, showing the sources from which the taxes were derived. The department shall furnish the Comptroller General with a true copy of all remittance sheets which the department is required by this chapter to send to the State Treasurer.
SECTION 12-21-150. Taxes imposed by chapter shall be in addition to other taxes.
The license tax or taxes imposed by this chapter shall, except as otherwise expressly provided, be in addition to all other licenses and taxes levied by law, as a condition precedent to engaging in any business or doing any act taxable under this chapter.
SECTION 12-21-170. "Retail or selling price" defined.
Whenever the retail or selling price is referred to in this chapter as the basis for computing a tax, it is intended to mean the ordinary, customary or usual price paid by the consumer.
SECTION 12-21-180. Revival of former law.
Should any part of this chapter be declared unconstitutional or void for any reason by any court of competent jurisdiction, the appropriate provisions of Act No. 73, approved April 22, 1927, applicable to the same subject matter, if any, shall be of full force and effect and unrepealed and unaffected by the terms of this chapter.
SECTION 12-21-610. Imposition of tax.
Every person doing business within the State and engaging in the business of selling such articles or commodities as are named in this article shall, for the privilege of carrying on such business, and every person, firm, corporation, club or association within the State importing, receiving or acquiring from without the State or from any other source any such articles for use or consumption within the State shall for the privilege of so doing be subject to the payment of a license tax which shall be measured by and graduated in accordance with the volume of sales or acquisitions of such person within the State.
SECTION 12-21-620. Tax rates on products containing tobacco.
There shall be levied, assessed, collected, and paid in respect to the articles containing tobacco enumerated in this section the following amounts:
(1) upon all cigarettes made of tobacco or any substitute for tobacco, three and one-half mills on each cigarette;
(2) upon all tobacco products, as defined in Section 12-21-800, five percent of the manufacturer's price.
Manufacturer's price as used in this section is the established price at which a manufacturer sells to a wholesaler.
SECTION 12-21-650. What is deemed sale or retail "price"; articles given as prizes.
Whenever in this article:
(1) Reference is made to manufactured tobacco products manufactured or imported to sell at a certain price, as the basis for computing the tax, it is intended to mean the ordinary, customary or usual price paid by the consumer for each individual cigar, package of cigarettes, package of smoking tobacco or other tobacco product;
(2) The retail or selling price is referred to as the basis for computing the amount of stamps required on any article, it is intended to mean the ordinary, customary or usual price paid by the consumer for each article less the amount of tax added thereto; and
(3) When any articles or commodities subject to tax under this article are given as prizes on punchboards, shooting galleries and under similar circumstances the tax shall be based on the ordinary selling price of such articles.
SECTION 12-21-660. Licenses required for engaging in tobacco business.
Every person engaged in the business of purchasing, selling or distributing cigars, cheroots, stogies, cigarettes, snuff or smoking or chewing tobacco at wholesale or through vending machines within the State and all cigarette, cigar and tobacco product manufacturers' sales representatives who conduct business in this State shall file with the Department of Revenue an application for a license permitting him to engage in such business. When such business is conducted at two or more separate places, a separate license for each place of business shall be required. A person whose business is conducted through vending machines needs to obtain only one license but shall maintain an up-to-date list of the location of each vending machine operated under this license and each manufacturer's sales representative needs to obtain only one license. The provisions of this section shall not apply to persons who own and stock vending machines for use on their own premises.
Nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring a license for the privilege of buying, selling or distributing leaf tobacco nor shall this section apply to churches, schools or charitable organizations operating booths at state, county, or community fairs or to school or church entertainments.
SECTION 12-21-670. Application for license; issuance of permanent license; display of license.
The application must be filed on a blank to be furnished by the department for that purpose and shall contain a statement including the name of the individual, partnership, (and in the case of each individual partner) or corporation, the post-office address and the nature of the business. Upon receipt of an application for a license to engage in any business as set forth in Section 12-21-660, the department shall issue to the applicant a permanent license permitting the purchase, sale, and distribution of the articles designated therein. The license must be displayed at all times in some conspicuous place at or in the place of business where it may be easily seen by the public. The license provided for in this section must be obtained before engaging in the business in this State and is only valid for the person in whose name it is issued and only for the transaction of business at the place designated in the license.
SECTION 12-21-680. Reclassification as between wholesale and retail business.
The department may reclassify a person as a wholesaler or retailer as may be just and proper according to the business done.
SECTION 12-21-690. Licenses shall not be transferable; operation of business pending granting of license.
No license issued permitting the sale and distribution of tobacco products shall be transferable and any license issued to any person who shall afterwards retire from business shall be null and void. But anyone may be allowed to operate for ten days after purchase of stock in bulk, pending granting of a license upon application made promptly upon such purchase.
SECTION 12-21-735. Payment of license tax on cigarettes by reporting method rather than by tax stamps.
Each person or distributor of cigarettes taxable under this article, first receiving untaxed cigarettes for sale or distribution in this State, is subject to the tax imposed in Section 12-21-620. Each distributor required to pay the tax shall make a report to the department, in the form the department prescribes, of all cigarettes sold or disposed of in this State, and pay taxes due thereon not later than the twentieth day of the month next succeeding the month of the sale or disposition. However, any person or distributor making shipments of cigarettes to retail locations in and out of this State shall apply to the department for a license which enables them to purchase cigarettes free of tax, and report and pay tax as provided in this section on sales of cigarettes sold to locations in this State.
The department shall require bonds or statements of financial stability satisfactory to the department to cover possible losses resulting from failure to remit taxes due. When the return required by this section is timely filed and the taxes shown to be due are paid by the date specified in this section, the person or distributor may deduct three and one-half percent of the tax due.
SECTION 12-21-750. Certain retail dealers shall furnish duplicate invoices; violations.
All retail dealers in manufactured tobacco products, shells, cartridges or playing cards purchasing or receiving such commodities from without the State, whether they shall have been ordered through a wholesaler or jobber in this State, by drop shipment or otherwise, shall, within five days after receipt of them, mail a duplicate invoice of all such purchases or receipts to the department. Failure to furnish duplicate invoices as required shall be a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, be punishable by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars for each offense or imprisonment for a period not exceeding thirty days.
SECTION 12-21-760. Intent of article: stamps shall not be required on resale.
It is the intent of this article to require all manufacturers within this State, wholesale dealers, jobbers, distributors and retail dealers to affix the stamps provided for in this article to taxable commodities, but when the stamps have been affixed as required in this article no further or other stamp shall be required under the provisions of this chapter regardless of how often such articles may be sold or resold within this State.
SECTION 12-21-770. Distributor's liability to pay tax.
Every person, firm, corporation, club or association who sells, stores or receives for the purpose of distribution to any person, firm, corporation, club or association any shotgun or other shells, cartridges, manufactured tobacco products or playing cards otherwise taxable under the provisions of this chapter shall pay the tax at the rates provided in this article for the sale of such articles.
SECTION 12-21-780. Returns shall be filed by distributors; payment of tax on tobacco products; discount.
Every distributor, on or before the twentieth day of each month, shall file with the South Carolina Department of Revenue a return on forms to be prescribed and furnished by the department showing the quantity and wholesale price of all tobacco products transported or caused to be transported into the State by him or manufactured or fabricated in the State for sale in this State. Every distributor authorized by the department to make returns and pay the tax on tobacco products sold, shipped, or delivered by him to any person in the State shall file a return showing the quantity and wholesale price of all products so sold, shipped, or delivered during the preceding calendar month. These returns must contain such further information as the department may require. Every distributor shall pay to the department with the filing of the return the tax on tobacco products for the month imposed under this article. When the distributor or dealer files the return and pays the tax within the time specified in this section, he may deduct therefrom three and one-half percent of the tax due.
SECTION 12-21-785. Returns
Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 12-21-735 and 12-21-780, the department may require returns and payments of this tax for other than monthly periods.
SECTION 12-21-800. "Tobacco products" defined.
As used in Sections 12-21-620 and 12-21-780, "tobacco products" means cigars, cheroots, stogies, periques, granulated, plug cut, crimp cut, ready rubbed, and other smoking tobacco, snuff, snuff flour, cavendish, plug and twist tobacco, fine-cut, and other chewing tobacco, shorts, refuse scraps, clippings, cuttings and sweepings of tobacco, and other kinds and forms of tobacco, prepared in a manner to be suitable for chewing or smoking in a pipe or otherwise, or both for chewing or smoking, but does not include cigarettes.
SECTION 12-21-810. "Distributor" defined.
As used in Section 12-21-780, "distributor" means:
(A) Any person engaged in the business of selling tobacco products in this State who brings or causes to be brought into this State from without the State any tobacco products for sale;
(B) Any person who makes, manufacturers, or fabricates tobacco products in this State for sale in this State;
(C) Any person engaged in the business of selling tobacco products without this State who ships or transports tobacco products to retailers in this State to be sold by those retailers.
SECTION 12-21-1010. Definitions.
When used in this article the following words and terms shall have the following meanings:
(1) The word "wholesaler" shall mean any person who makes the first sale within this State or who sells or distributes any quantity of beer or wine to any other person for resale, but the term shall not include any person who produces wine in the State from fruits grown within the State by or for the manufacturer;
(2) The word "retailer" shall mean any person who sells or distributes any quantity of beer or wine to a consumer;
(3) The word "beer" shall mean all beers, ales, porter and other similar malt or fermented beverages containing not more than five per cent of alcohol by weight;
(4) The word "wine" shall mean all wines containing not more than twenty-one per cent of alcohol by volume; and
(5) (Reserved);
(6) The word "producer" shall mean a brewery or winery or a manufacturer or bottler or an importer into the United States of beer or wine, or both.
SECTION 12-21-1020. Tax on beer and wine in containers of one gallon or more.
There shall be levied and collected on all beer offered for sale in containers of one gallon or more in this State a license tax of six-tenths cent per ounce and on all wines offered for sale in this State a license tax of ninety cents per gallon or fractional quantity thereof.
SECTION 12-21-1030. Tax on sales of less than one gallon and in metric size containers.
If beer be offered for sale in bottles or cans, there shall be levied and collected a tax of six-tenths cents per ounce or fractional quantity thereof, and on wines offered for sale in quantities of less than one gallon there shall be levied and collected a tax of six cents for each eight ounces or fractional quantity thereof, and wine offered for sale in metric sizes a tax at the rate of twenty-five and thirty-five one hundredths cents per liter.
SECTION 12-21-1035. Tax on beer brewed at a brewpub.
(A) Beer brewed on a permitted premises pursuant to Article 17, Chapter 4 of Title 61, must be taxed based on the number of gallons of beer produced on the permitted premises and must be taxed at the same rate of taxation for beer provided in Section 12-21-1020. The permittee shall maintain adequate records as determined by the department to ensure the collection of this tax.
(B) The taxes imposed by the provisions of this section, except as otherwise provided, are due and payable in monthly installments on or before the twentieth day of the month following the month in which the tax accrues.
(C) On or before the twentieth day of each month, a person on whom the taxes in this section are imposed shall file with the department, on a form designed by it, a true and correct statement showing the total gallons produced and any other information the department may require.
(D) At the time of making a monthly report, the person shall compute the taxes due and pay to the department the amount of taxes shown to be due. A return is considered to be timely filed if the return is mailed and has a postmark dated on or before the date the return is required by law to be filed.
SECTION 12-21-1040. Repealed by 2003 Act No. 70, Section 19, eff June 25, 2003.
SECTION 12-21-1050. Payment of tax; penalty for nonpayment; extensions of time.
The tax prescribed in this article must be paid by requiring each wholesaler to make a report to the department, in the form the department prescribes, of all beer and wine sold or disposed of within this State by the wholesaler and to pay the tax due thereon not later than the twentieth of the month following the sale of beer or wine. Any wholesaler who fails to file the report or to pay the tax as prescribed in this section must pay a penalty of one quarter of one percent of the amount of the tax due and unpaid or unreported for each day the tax remains unpaid or unreported. The penalty must be assessed and collected by the department in the manner as other taxes are assessed and collected. The department may grant any wholesaler extensions of time for filing the reports and paying the taxes prescribed in this article and no penalties may be assessed or collected to the extent that the extensions of time are granted.
SECTION 12-21-1060. Discount on tax paid when due.
Under the reporting method of tax payment on sales of beer and wine prescribed in Section 12-21-1050, the Department of Revenue shall allow a discount of two percent to the wholesaler on the amount of tax reported on each monthly report.
In no case shall any discount be allowed if the taxes are not paid in full or if either the report or the taxes are received by the department after the date due, or after the expiration of any extension granted by the department.
SECTION 12-21-1070. Tax on persons importing or receiving beer or wine on which tax has not been paid.
Every person, firm, corporation, club, or association, or any organization or individual within this State, importing, receiving, or acquiring from without the State or from any other sources whatever, beer or wine as defined in Section 12-21-1010 on which the tax imposed by this chapter has not been paid, for use or consumption within the State, shall be subject to the payment of a license tax at the same rates provided in Sections 12-21-1020 and 12-21-1030.
SECTION 12-21-1080. Repealed by 2001 Act No. 89, Section 69, eff July 20, 2001.
SECTION 12-21-1085. Taxes provided for in Article 7 in lieu of all other taxes on beer and wine; exceptions.
Except as provided in Section 12-21-1035 and Article 9, the taxes provided for in this article are in lieu of all other taxes and licenses on beer and wine of the State, the county, or the municipality, except the sales and use tax or the local hospitality tax, and include licenses for its delivery by the wholesaler.
SECTION 12-21-1090. Rules and regulations; confiscation and sale.
The department may promulgate rules and regulations for the payment and collection of the taxes levied by this article. The administrative provisions of Section 12-21-2870, wherever applicable, are adopted for the administration and enforcement of the provisions of this article.
SECTION 12-21-1100. Authority to conduct examinations and inspections.
The department or any agent or representative designated by it for that purpose and all peace officers or police officers of the State may enter upon the premises of any person selling or offering for sale any beer, ale, porter, wine, or other similar malt or fermented beverage without a warrant and examine or cause to be examined any books, records, papers, memoranda or commodities and secure any other information directly or indirectly pertaining to the enforcement of this article.
SECTION 12-21-1110. Payment of expenses.
The cost of stamps, supplies, and other expenses of the administration of this article shall be paid out of the proceeds derived from the collection of this tax upon warrants drawn by the Department of Revenue upon the State Treasurer.
SECTION 12-21-1120. Disposition of taxes and license fees.
The beer and wine taxes and license fees provided for by this article must be paid to and collected by the department and deposited to the credit of the general fund of the State.
SECTION 12-21-1130. Disposition of State's portion of tax.
The State's portion of all revenue derived from the sale of beer and wine shall be paid to the State Treasurer for credit to the special school account on the last day of each month. The department shall transfer to the special school account from any unallocated funds on hand on the last day of each month the State's portion of such revenue.
SECTION 12-21-1310. Additional tax levied; rate.
In addition to any and all other taxes or licenses, there shall be levied and collected on all wines offered for sale in this State an additional tax of eighteen cents per gallon or fraction thereof, and on wines offered in quantities less than one gallon, there shall be levied and collected a tax of one and two-tenths cents for eight ounces or fraction thereof, and wine offered for sale in metric sizes a tax at the rate of five and seven one hundredths cents per liter.
SECTION 12-21-1320. Persons against whom tax shall be levied; reports; payment; penalties.
The additional taxes imposed by Section 12-21-1310 shall be levied against and collected from the wholesaler, importer, or any other person first offering such wine for sale within this State. The wholesaler, importer, or other person offering said wine for sale in this State shall make a report to the Department of Revenue in such form as the department may prescribe and shall pay the tax due thereon not later than the twentieth day of the month following the sale of the wine.
Any wholesaler, importer, or other person first offering wine for sale in this State who fails to file the report or to pay the tax hereby imposed, on or before the twentieth day of the month following the sale of wine, shall pay a penalty of not less than twenty dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, to be assessed and collected by the department in the same manner and with like effect as other taxes are collected. The provisions of Section 12-21-1050 shall determine the payment of taxes for the month of June.
SECTION 12-21-1330. Notice of changes to be filed by manufacturers, brewers, brokers, and certain others; violations.
All manufacturers, brewers, brewer sales representatives, brokers or any persons or firms whatsoever offering malt beverages for shipment into this State shall notify in writing the department and the wholesale dealer affected at least ninety days previous to any change made by them, either in their distributors or the territories of their distributors in this State. Wholesale dealers shall notify in writing the department and the shipping brewer affected at least ninety days previous to any change in either the territory or the distribution of their products. Any manufacturer, brewer, brewer sales representative, broker or any person who sells his product in violation of this provision shall forfeit the privilege of purchasing or using any beer and wine license tax crowns or lids.
SECTION 12-21-1340. Collection and enforcement.
All the applicable provisions of Title 61, this chapter and Chapter 1 of this Title, shall apply with full force and effect for the collection and enforcement of the additional taxes imposed by this article.
SECTION 12-21-1350. Additional taxes and penalties shall not be shared with counties and municipalities.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 12-21-1120, the additional taxes or penalties imposed by this article shall not be shared with cities and municipalities or counties.
SECTION 12-21-1540. Applicant for certificate of registration shall authorize audit and examination of books and records.
In all cases, the applicant for a certificate of registration required by this article, as a condition precedent to the issue of such certificate of registration, must certify that the Department of Revenue shall have the right within statutory limitations to audit and examine the books and records, papers and memoranda of the applicant with respect to the administration and enforcement of laws administered by the Department of Revenue.
SECTION 12-21-1550. Invoices and bills of lading shall be furnished to Department of Revenue.
Prior to shipment into the geographic boundaries of South Carolina to a licensed wholesaler of any beer or wine by a registered producer, the registered producer shall mail by first class mail to the Department of Revenue a correct and complete invoice, showing in detail the items in such shipment by quantity, type, brand and size and the point of origin and the point of destination. Also, prior to or at the time of shipment, a copy of the bill of lading shall be forwarded to the Department of Revenue by first class mail. Upon acceptance of delivery of the shipment by the duly licensed wholesaler, the wholesaler shall furnish the Department of Revenue with a copy of the invoice covering the shipment, with endorsement thereon showing the date, time and place delivery was accepted.
SECTION 12-21-1560. Beer or wine shipped in violation of chapter declared contraband.
Any beer or wine shipped or moved into the geographic limits of South Carolina in violation of any provision of this chapter is hereby declared contraband and may be seized and sold as provided for in Section 61-6-4310.
SECTION 12-21-1570. Administration and enforcement.
The Department of Revenue shall administer and enforce the provisions of this article.
SECTION 12-21-1580. Rules and regulations.
The Department of Revenue shall have the power to make such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with law, deemed necessary for the proper administration and enforcement of this article. Such rules and regulations shall have the full force and effect of law.
SECTION 12-21-1590. Disposition of moneys received by Department of Revenue.
All monies received by the Department of Revenue under the provisions of this chapter shall be deposited with the State Treasurer to the credit of the general fund of the State.
SECTION 12-21-1610. Restrictions on importation of beer or wine for sale; penalty.
A person, firm, corporation, club, or an association or any organization within this State shall not bring, ship, transport, or receive into this State in any manner whatsoever any beer or wine as defined in Section 12-21-1010 for sale except duly licensed beer and wine wholesale distributors. A person, firm, corporation, club, or an association in violation of this section is subject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, to be assessed and collected by the Department of Revenue in the same manner and with like effect as other taxes are collected.
SOFT DRINKS TAX [REPEALED] SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120.
SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120. Repealed by 1996 Act No. 343, Section 3, eff January 1, 2001.
SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120. Repealed by 1996 Act No. 343, Section 3, eff January 1, 2001.
SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120. Repealed by 1996 Act No. 343, Section 3, eff January 1, 2001.
SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120. Repealed by 1996 Act No. 343, Section 3, eff January 1, 2001.
SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120. Repealed by 1996 Act No. 343, Section 3, eff January 1, 2001.
SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120. Repealed by 1996 Act No. 343, Section 3, eff January 1, 2001.
SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120. Repealed by 1996 Act No. 343, Section 3, eff January 1, 2001.
SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120. Repealed by 1996 Act No. 343, Section 3, eff January 1, 2001.
SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120. Repealed by 1996 Act No. 343, Section 3, eff January 1, 2001.
SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120. Repealed by 1996 Act No. 343, Section 3, eff January 1, 2001.
SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120. Repealed by 1996 Act No. 343, Section 3, eff January 1, 2001.
SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120. Repealed by 1996 Act No. 343, Section 3, eff January 1, 2001.
SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120. Repealed by 1996 Act No. 343, Section 3, eff January 1, 2001.
SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120. Repealed by 1996 Act No. 343, Section 3, eff January 1, 2001.
SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120. Repealed by 1996 Act No. 343, Section 3, eff January 1, 2001.
SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120. Repealed by 1996 Act No. 343, Section 3, eff January 1, 2001.
SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120. Repealed by 1996 Act No. 343, Section 3, eff January 1, 2001.
SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120. Repealed by 1996 Act No. 343, Section 3, eff January 1, 2001.
SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120. Repealed by 1996 Act No. 343, Section 3, eff January 1, 2001.
SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120. Repealed by 1996 Act No. 343, Section 3, eff January 1, 2001.
SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120. Repealed by 1996 Act No. 343, Section 3, eff January 1, 2001.
SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120. Repealed by 1996 Act No. 343, Section 3, eff January 1, 2001.
SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120. Repealed by 1996 Act No. 343, Section 3, eff January 1, 2001.
SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120. Repealed by 1996 Act No. 343, Section 3, eff January 1, 2001.
SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120. Repealed by 1996 Act No. 343, Section 3, eff January 1, 2001.
SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120. Repealed by 1996 Act No. 343, Section 3, eff January 1, 2001.
SECTIONS 12-21-1710 to 12-21-2120. Repealed by 1996 Act No. 343, Section 3, eff January 1, 2001.
SECTION 12-21-2410. Definitions.
For the purpose of this article and unless otherwise required by the context:
(1) The word "admission" means the right or privilege to enter into or use a place or location;
(2) The word "place" means any definite enclosure or location; and
(3) The word "person" means individual, partnership, corporation, association, or organization of any kind whatsoever.
SECTION 12-21-2420. Imposition of tax; rate; exemptions; payment, collection, and remittance; disposition of revenues.
There must be levied, assessed, collected, and paid upon paid admissions to places of amusement within this State a license tax of five percent. The license tax may be listed separately from the cost of admission on an admission ticket. However, no tax may be charged or collected:
(1) On account of any stage play or any pageant in which wholly local or nonprofessional talent or players are used;
(2) On admissions to athletic contests in which a junior American Legion athletic team is a participant unless the proceeds inure to any individual or player in the form of salary or otherwise;
(3) On admissions to high school or grammar school games or on general gate admissions to the State Fair or any county or community fair;
(4) On admissions charged by any eleemosynary and nonprofit corporation or organization organized exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, or educational purposes; or the presentation of performing artists by an accredited college or university; provided, that the license tax herein levied and assessed shall be collected and paid upon all paid admissions to all athletic events of any institution of learning above the high school level; provided, however, that carnivals, circuses, and community fairs operated by eleemosynary or nonprofit corporations or organizations organized exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, or educational purposes shall not be exempt from the assessment and collection of admissions tax on charges for admission for the use of or entrance to rides, places of amusement, shows, exhibits, and other carnival facilities, but not to include charges for general gate admissions except when the proceeds of any such carnival, circus, or community fair are donated to a hospital; provided, further, that no admission tax shall be charged or collected by reason of any charge made to any member of a nonprofit organization or corporation for the use of the facilities of the organization or corporation of which he is a member.
(5) On admissions to nonprofit public bathing places;
(6) On admissions to any hunting or shooting preserve;
(7) On admissions to privately owned fish ponds or lakes; and
(8) On admissions to circuses operated by eleemosynary, nonprofit corporations or organizations organized exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, or educational purposes when the proceeds derived from admissions to the circuses shall be used exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific or educational purposes.
(9) On admissions to properties or attractions which have been named to the National Register of Historical Places.
(10) On admissions charged to classical music performances of a nonprofit or eleemosynary corporation organized and operated exclusively to promote classical music.
(11) On admissions to events other than those events enumerated in item (4) of this section, sponsored and operated exclusively by eleemosynary, nonprofit corporations or organizations organized exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, civic, fraternal, or educational purposes when the net proceeds derived from admissions to the events shall be immediately donated to an organization operated exclusively for charitable purposes. The term "net proceeds" shall mean the portion of the gross admissions proceeds remaining after necessary expenses of the event have been paid. This item shall not apply to an event in which the above organizations receive a percentage of gross proceeds or a stated fixed sum for the use of its name in promoting the event.
(12) On admissions charged by nonprofit or eleemosynary community theater companies or community symphony orchestras, county and community arts councils and departments and other such companies engaged in promotion of the arts.
(13) On admissions to boats which charge a fee for pleasure fishing, excursion, sight-seeing and private charter.
(14) On admissions to a physical fitness center subject to the provisions of Chapter 79 of Title 44, the Physical Fitness Services Act, that provides only the following activities or facilities:
(a) aerobics or calisthenics;
(b) weightlifting equipment;
(c) exercise equipment;
(d) running tracks;
(e) racquetball;
(f) swimming pools for aerobics and lap swimming; and
(g) other similar items approved by the department.
The entire admission charge of a physical fitness center which provides any other activity or facilities is subject to the tax imposed by this article. Physical fitness facilities or centers of the State of South Carolina and any of its political subdivisions which are exempt from the Physical Fitness Services Act, pursuant to Section 44-79-110 and, therefore, subject to the admissions tax under this article are nevertheless exempt from the admissions tax if they meet other requirements of this subsection.
(15) for entry into the pit area of NASCAR sanctioned motor speedways or racetracks for drivers, crew members, or car owners where a participation fee is charged these persons by NASCAR, or by the speedway or racetrack, where a charge to these persons is made on a per event basis for entry into the pit area, or where a combination of annual and per event charges to these persons is made for entry into the pit area.
The tax imposed by this section must be paid by the person or persons paying the admission price and must be collected and remitted to the South Carolina Department of Revenue by the person or persons collecting the admission price. The tax imposed by this section does not apply to:
(a) any amount separately stated on the ticket of admission for the repayment of money borrowed for the purpose of constructing an athletic stadium or field by any accredited college or university; or
(b) any amount of the charge for admission, whether or not separately stated, that is a fee or tax imposed by a political subdivision of the State. The revenue derived form the provisions of this section from fishing piers along the coast of South Carolina is allocated for use of the Commercial Fisheries Division of the Department of Natural Resources.
SECTION 12-21-2425. Motorsports entertainment complex admissions license tax exemption.
(A) In addition to the exemptions allowed from the admissions license tax imposed pursuant to Section 12-21-2420 of the 1976 Code, there is also exempt from that tax for ten years beginning July 1, 2008, one-half of the paid admissions to a motorsports entertainment complex.
(B) For purposes of the exemption allowed by this section, a motorsports entertainment complex means a motorsports facility, and its ancillary grounds and facilities, that satisfies all of the following:
(1) has at least sixty thousand fixed seats for race patrons;
(2) has at least three scheduled days of motorsports events, and events ancillary and incidental thereto, each calendar year that are sanctioned by a nationally or internationally recognized governing body of motorsports that establishes an annual schedule of motorsports events;
(3) engages in tourism promotion.
SECTION 12-21-2430. Certain ponds are not amusements.
No private pond shall be declared an amusement for tax purposes. But this section shall not apply to a pond stocked with fish from a State or Federal hatchery.
SECTION 12-21-2440. Application for license for place of amusement.
Before engaging in business every person operating a place of amusement within the State subject to the tax imposed by this article shall file with the department an application for a permanent license permitting him to engage in the business. The application for the license must be filed on blanks to be furnished by the department for that purpose and shall contain a statement including the name of the individual, the partnership, and each individual partner, or the corporation filing the application, the post-office address, and the nature of the business.
SECTION 12-21-2450. Issuance and display of license.
Upon receipt of an application for a license to operate a place of amusement as set forth in this article the department shall issue to the applicant a license permitting him to operate such place of amusement without cost to the applicant. Such license shall be displayed at all times at or in such place of amusement in some conspicuous place easily seen by the public.
SECTION 12-21-2460. Licenses shall not be transferable; separate licenses for each place.
No license issued permitting the operation of a place of amusement shall be transferable and any license issued to any person who shall afterwards retire from business shall be null and void. A separate license shall be required for each separate place of amusement.
SECTION 12-21-2470. Penalties for operation without license.
If any person operates a place of amusement for which a license is required without having first secured the license and posted it in accordance with the provisions of this article he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, fined not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars or imprisoned not less than ten days nor more than thirty days. Each day that such business is operated shall constitute a separate offense.
SECTION 12-21-2490. Notice of license revocation and appeal therefrom.
The department shall mail written notice of the revocation of the license or shall otherwise serve written notice thereof upon the person affected thereby and within ten days after the mailing of such notice or of service otherwise upon the person whose license has been revoked such person may appeal from the decision of the department thereon to the court of common pleas in the county in which he is licensed to carry on the business. Within ten days after the service of notice of revocation of license as provided in this section, and not thereafter, the person feeling aggrieved thereby and desiring to appeal shall serve upon the department a written notice of intention to appeal to the court of common pleas and within thirty days after the service of the notice on the department he shall serve upon the department his exceptions or objections to the revocation of the license.
SECTION 12-21-2500. Hearing on appeal; supersedeas; costs and disbursements.
The hearing before the circuit judge shall be had upon the exceptions and objections so served upon the department and the case shall be disposed of as provided by law for appeals from the courts of magistrates. Or, if the circuit judge should decide that the ends of justice would be better attained, he may hear the full controversy de novo and render judgment in accordance with the law and facts. Serving notice of appeal upon the department shall not act as a supersedeas unless the appellant shall file with the department a good and sufficient bond to be approved by the department, conditioned upon the faithful observance of the requirements of this article and for the payment of any costs that may be lawfully taxed. And the costs and disbursements shall be the same as are provided in cases of appeals to the circuit courts from magistrates' courts.
SECTION 12-21-2520. Price of admission shall be printed on ticket.
No operator of a place of amusement shall sell or permit to be sold in his place of business any admission ticket without the price of admission printed thereon, nor shall he sell or permit to be sold any admission ticket at a price other than the price printed thereon. Provided, however, that upon written application to the department, the department may, in its discretion and for good cause, waive the requirements of this section.
SECTION 12-21-2530. Method of collecting tickets; exception for season or subscription tickets.
As each patron is admitted to a place the paid admissions to which are subject to the tax imposed by Section 12-21-2420, his ticket shall be collected and immediately torn in two parts, approximately through the center, one half given to the patron and the other half retained by the ticket taker. The provisions of this section shall not apply to season tickets or tickets for a series of admissions issued on account of subscription.
SECTION 12-21-2540. Penalties for use of altered or counterfeit tickets or re-use of tickets.
(A) It is unlawful for a person to:
(1) alter, restore, or otherwise prepare in any manner an admission ticket with intent to use or cause it to be used after it has already been used;
(2) knowingly or wilfully buy, sell, offer for sale, or give away a restored or altered ticket to a person;
(3) knowingly use a restored or altered ticket or have in his possession an altered or restored ticket, which has been previously used for the purpose for which it was originally intended; or
(4) prepare, buy, sell, offer for sale, or have in his possession a counterfeit ticket.
(B) A person who violates the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than one thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.
SECTION 12-21-2550. Tax payable monthly; failure to make correct return or failure to file.
(A) The license tax imposed by this article is due and payable in monthly installments on or before the twentieth day of each month. A person liable to the tax shall make a true and correct return to the department, in such form as it prescribes, showing the number and prices of admissions during the previous month, and remit the tax with the return.
(B) If a person fails to make a true and correct return or fails to file the return, the department shall make an estimate of the tax liability from the best information available, and issue a proposed assessment for the taxes, including penalties and interest.
SECTION 12-21-2575. Methods of accounting for admissions other than tickets.
In lieu of the issuance of tickets as provided for in this article, the department may authorize or approve other methods of accounting for paid admissions.
SECTION 12-21-2703. 63)[Repealed by 1999 Act No. 125, Section 8, eff July 1, 2000] Licensed coin-operated machines may be operated only at location licensed under sales and use tax provisions.
No coin-operated machine licensed under the provisions of Section 12-21-2720(A)(3) may be operated at a location unless the location is licensed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 36 of Title 12.
SECTION 12-21-2710. Types of machines and devices prohibited by law; penalties.
It is unlawful for any person to keep on his premises or operate or permit to be kept on his premises or operated within this State any vending or slot machine, or any video game machine with a free play feature operated by a slot in which is deposited a coin or thing of value, or other device operated by a slot in which is deposited a coin or thing of value for the play of poker, blackjack, keno, lotto, bingo, or craps, or any machine or device licensed pursuant to Section 12-21-2720 and used for gambling or any punch board, pull board, or other device pertaining to games of chance of whatever name or kind, including those machines, boards, or other devices that display different pictures, words, or symbols, at different plays or different numbers, whether in words or figures or, which deposit tokens or coins at regular intervals or in varying numbers to the player or in the machine, but the provisions of this section do not extend to coin-operated nonpayout pin tables, in-line pin games, or to automatic weighing, measuring, musical, and vending machines which are constructed as to give a certain uniform and fair return in value for each coin deposited and in which there is no element of chance.
Any person violating the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than five hundred dollars or imprisoned for a period of not more than one year, or both.
SECTION 12-21-2712. Seizure and destruction of unlawful machines, devices, etc.
Any machine, board, or other device prohibited by Section 12-21-2710 must be seized by any law enforcement officer and at once taken before any magistrate of the county in which the machine, board, or device is seized who shall immediately examine it, and if satisfied that it is in violation of Section 12-21-2710 or any other law of this State, direct that it be immediately destroyed.
SECTION 12-21-2714. Use of slug or any false, counterfeited, mutilated, etc. coin to operate automatic vending machine or other machine requiring coin for operation.
(A) It is unlawful for a person to operate, cause to operate, or attempt to operate an automatic vending machine, slot machine, coin-box telephone, or other receptacle designed to receive lawful coin of the United States of America in connection with the sale, use, or enjoyment of property or service by means of a slug or any false, counterfeited, mutilated, sweated, or foreign coin, or by any means not lawfully authorized by the owner, lessee, or licensee of the receptacle.
(B) It is unlawful for a person to take, obtain, or receive from or in connection with any receptacle designed to receive lawful coin of the United States of America in connection with the sale, use, or enjoyment of property or service any goods, wares, merchandise, gas, electric current, or other article of value or the use or enjoyment of any telephone or telegraph facilities, or service, or of any musical instrument, phonograph, or other property, without depositing in and surrendering to the receptacle lawful coin of the United States of America in the amount required by the owner, lessee, or licensee of the receptacle.
(C) A person who violates the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be fined in the discretion of the court or imprisoned not more than two years.
SECTION 12-21-2716. Manufacture, sale, or other disposition of slug, device, or substance, etc. for fraudulent operation of coin operated machine; penalties.
A person who, with intent to cheat or defraud the owner, lessee, licensee, or other person entitled to the contents of an automatic vending machine, slot machine, coin-box telephone, or other receptacle, depository, or contrivance designed to receive lawful coin of the United States of America in connection with the sale, use, or enjoyment of property or service or who, knowing that the same is intended for unlawful use, manufactures for sale, or sells or gives away any slug, device, or substance intended or calculated to be placed or deposited in the automatic vending machine, slot machine, coin-box telephone, or other receptacle, depository, or contrivance is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, must be fined in the discretion of the court or imprisoned not more than five years.
SECTION 12-21-2718. Records.
Every person required to obtain a license required under Sections 12-21-2720 and 12-21-2730 shall maintain records showing the manufacturers' serial number, model, or type of machine.
SECTION 12-21-2720. License for coin-operated devices or machines; license tax; maximum municipal license charges; special one-time interim fees.
(A) Every person who maintains for use or permits the use of, on a place or premises occupied by him, one or more of the following machines or devices shall apply for and procure from the South Carolina Department of Revenue a license effective for two years for the privilege of making use of the machine in South Carolina and shall pay for the license a tax of fifty dollars for each machine in item (1), two hundred dollars for each machine in item (2), and four thousand dollars for each machine in item (3):
(1) a machine for the playing of music or kiddy rides operated by a slot or mechanical amusement devices and juke boxes in which is deposited a coin or thing of value. A machine on which an admissions tax is imposed is exempt from the C.O.D. license provisions of this section.
(2) a machine for the playing of amusements or video games, without free play feature, or machines of the crane type operated by a slot in which is deposited a coin or thing of value and a machine for the playing of games or amusements, which has a free play feature, operated by a slot in which is deposited a coin or thing of value, and the machine is of the nonpayout pin table type with levers or "flippers" operated by the player by which the course of the balls may be altered or changed. A machine required to be licensed under this item is exempt from the license fee if an admissions tax is imposed.
(3) a machine of the nonpayout type, or in-line pin game, operated by a slot in which is deposited a coin or thing of value except machines of the nonpayout pin table type with levers or flippers" operated by the player by which the course of the balls may be altered or changed.
(B) No municipality may limit the number of machines within the boundaries of the municipality. A municipality may by ordinance impose a license fee on machines licensed pursuant to subsection (A)(3) of this section in an amount not exceeding ten percent of three thousand six hundred dollars of the license fee imposed pursuant to subsection (A) for the equivalent license period.
(C) The owner or operator of any coin-operated device subject to licensing under Section 12-21-2720(A)(3) and which has multi-player stations, shall purchase a separate license for each such station.
(D) A county may by ordinance impose a license fee on machines licensed pursuant to subsection (A)(3) of this section located in an unincorporated area of the county in an amount not exceeding ten percent of three thousand six hundred dollars of the license fee imposed pursuant to subsection (A) for the equivalent license period.
(E) The Department of Revenue is authorized to assess an additional fee of fifty dollars on each Class Two coin-operated machine license authorized in this section. These funds must be collected by the Department of Revenue and sent to the State Law Enforcement Division to offset the cost of video gaming enforcement. The State Law Enforcement Division shall retain, expend, and carry forward these funds.
SECTION 12-21-2721. Confiscation of coin-operated machines.
Coin-operated machines or devices licensed pursuant to Section 12-21-2720 are not subject to confiscation under Section 12-21-2712 due to any violation of Sections 16-19-30, 16-19-40, 16-19-50, or 16-19-130.
SECTION 12-21-2722. Temporary licenses; county or state fair; fees; duration.
In lieu of the license required under Sections 12-21-2720, 12-21-2728, and 12-21-2730 the department may issue a temporary license to persons making application to operate machines defined in Sections 12-21-2720 and 12-21-2730 at a recognized county or state fair. The temporary license is the total amount of license fees required on all machines for which application is made, based upon one-twenty-fourth of the biennial license required under Sections 12-21-2720, 12-21-2728, and 12-21-2730. The license is valid for the specific location designated on the license and the number of machines for which application was made and expires when the designated fair officially ends.
SECTION 12-21-2724. Operation may be presumed lawful by department.
Upon application being made for a license to operate any machine or apparatus under this article, the department may presume that the operation of the machine or apparatus is lawful and when a license has been issued for the operation thereof the sum paid for the license may not be refunded notwithstanding that the operation of the machine or apparatus is prohibited.
SECTION 12-21-2726. Display of license.
Every person who maintains for use or permits the use of, on a place or premises occupied by him, a machine subject to the license imposed by this article by way of proof of licensing must have a current license displayed conspicuously on the front of the machine.
SECTION 12-21-2728. Requirement of, and cost of, operator's license for coin-operated devices; cancellation of license for failure to remit taxes.
(A) In addition to all other licenses required by this chapter, a person who owns or operates devices described in Sections 12-21-2720 and 12-21-2730 shall obtain an operator's license biennially as follows:
(1) fifty dollars for devices in Sections 12-21-2720(A)(1) and 12-21-2730;
(2) two hundred dollars for devices in Section 12-21-2720(A)(2);
(3) two thousand dollars for devices in Section 12-21-2720(A)(3).
(B) Only one license is required regardless of the number or type of devices owned or operated, and the cost of that license is the highest fee enumerated in this section for a device owned or operated.
(C) The licenses provided by this section are subject to Section 12-21-2734 and are a condition precedent to engaging in or the continuing operation of machines described in this chapter. Failure to remit taxes to the State is justification for the cancellation of the license provided in this section.
SECTION 12-21-2730. License for billiard or pocket billiard table, footsball table, bowling lane table, or skeeball table.
Every person owning or operating a billiard or pocket billiard table, footsball table, bowling lane table, or skeeball table for profit shall apply for and procure from the department a license for the privilege of operating the table and pay for the license a biennial tax of fifty dollars for each table owned or operated.
The license in this section must be issued and is valid in accordance with Section 12-21-2734.
SECTION 12-21-2732. Attachment of license to a permanent, nontransferable part of machine.
Every person who maintains for use, or permits the use, on any place or premises occupied by him, any machines subject to the license imposed by Section 12-21-2730 shall see that the proper state license is attached to a permanent, nontransferable part of the machine before its operation is commenced.
SECTION 12-21-2734. Annual licenses required; expiration; prorating fee; liability for penalties.
(A) Every person subject to payment of tax under this article, in advance on or before the first day of June every two years or before doing an act taxable under this article, shall apply for and obtain from the commission a license for the privilege of engaging in the business and shall pay the tax levied for it. All licenses expire May thirty-first the second year of which the license is valid following t