SECTION 2-59-10. Committee created; duties; compensation.
There is hereby created a permanent Senate Operations and Management Committee composed of nine members of the Senate appointed by the President Pro Tempore whose duties shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. management of the L. Marion Gressette Building with authority to formulate and implement policies and procedures for the effective utilization of personnel, equipment, and space within the building;
2. develop and implement policies for a Senate Personnel Plan which shall include:
(a) establishment of policies and procedures for the employment and dismissal of Senate employees;
(b) establishment of guidelines for the effective management and supervision of Senate employees; and
(c) review requirements and needs of members and committees of the Senate for staff support.
The personnel policies and procedures established by the committee shall be the controlling policies and procedures for management of Senate personnel.
In furtherance of the requirements of this section the committee is authorized to continue work during the interim to secure such information and make such investigations as it may deem necessary. The members shall be paid the regular per diem, mileage, and subsistence allowance provided by law to be paid from approved accounts of the Senate.