SECTION 24-7-60. Care of county convicts; expenses.
The governing body of the county shall diet and provide suitable and efficient guards and appliances for the safekeeping of all convicts upon whom may be imposed sentence of labor on the highways, streets and other public works of the county. It shall likewise provide all necessary tools, implements and road machines for performing the work required of such convicts, all costs and expenses of which shall be paid out of the county road fund in the same manner as other charges against such fund are paid.
SECTION 24-7-70. Cost of dieting county prisoners.
The county supervisors and governing bodies of the several counties of this State shall diet all prisoners while in their care and custody outside of the jails at actual cost.
SECTION 24-7-80. Clothing of county prisoners.
The county supervisors and governing bodies of the several counties shall furnish suitable covering and clothing when necessary to all prisoners sentenced to the chain gang in the various counties of this State at actual cost, to be paid by the various counties, respectively.
SECTION 24-7-110. Health of county convicts.
The governing body of each county shall employ a physician whenever necessary to render medical aid to sick convicts and to preserve the health of the chain gang. The fees and expenses of such employment, as well as for medicines prescribed, shall be paid out of the road fund as other claims are paid against such funds.
SECTION 24-7-120. Maintenance of municipal convicts.
The municipal authorities of any city or town shall diet and provide suitable and efficient guards and appliances for the safekeeping of all convicts sentenced to labor on the highways, streets and other public works of such city or town and shall provide all necessary tools, implements and road machines for performing the work required of such convicts and pay all costs and expenses thereof.
SECTION 24-7-130. Lease of county convicts to other counties.
The governing body of any of the counties of this State may hire or lease any of the convicts sentenced from any such county to any other county of the State upon such terms and upon such conditions as to such governing body shall be deemed just, wise and expedient.
SECTION 24-7-140. Boarding, clothing and keeping of hired convicts.
Any county in this State maintaining a chain gang and hiring convicts of another county or exchanging convict labor with such other county shall at its own expense board, clothe and securely keep such convicts while in the custody of its officers.
SECTION 24-7-150. Collection and disposition of money due under contract for hired convicts.
Any money due any county under any contract under Section 24-7-130 shall be collected by the treasurer of such county and turned into the county treasury to aid in defraying the current and ordinary expenses of such county and any money due by any county under any contract herein authorized shall be paid by the treasurer of such county upon the warrant of the supervisor thereof as other county funds are disbursed.
SECTION 24-7-155. Furnishing or possessing contraband in county or municipal prisons prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for any person to furnish or attempt to furnish any prisoner in any county or municipal jail, prison, work camp or overnight lockup facility with any matter declared by the superintendent of such facility to be contraband. It shall be unlawful for any prisoner of such facility to possess any matter declared to be contraband. Matters considered contraband within the meaning of this section shall be those which are designated as contraband and published by the Department of Corrections as Regulation 33-1 of the Department of Corrections and such regulation shall be displayed by the Superintendent of the facility in a conspicuous place available and visible to visitors and prisoners at such facility.
Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not less than one thousand dollars nor more than ten thousand dollars or imprisonment for not less than one year nor more than ten years, or both.