SECTION 44-3-10. Municipal corporations may maintain boards of health; supervisory control.
Municipal corporations of this State may establish and maintain a board of health which shall be authorized by the governing body of the municipality. The composition and method of selection of the board shall be within the discretion of the governing body of the municipality. The duties and powers of the board shall be designated by such governing body. However, the board and its employees shall function under the administration, control, guidance and direction of the Department of Health and Environmental Control. The rules and regulations or operational procedures of any board established hereunder shall not be in conflict with any rule, regulation, or procedure of the Department of Health and Environmental Control, and in the event of any conflict, the rules, regulations and procedures of the Department of Health and Environmental Control shall prevail. Municipal boards of health shall, when requested by the Department of Health and Environmental Control, make reports on their activities to the Department of Health and Environmental Control.
SECTION 44-3-110. Creation of Catawba Health District; appointment of district medical director.
There is hereby created the Catawba Health District consisting of Chester, Lancaster and York Counties. The Catawba Health District shall be a subdivision of the Department of Health and Environmental Control and shall be under the direction and control of the Department of Health and Environmental Control. The Director of the Department of Health and Environmental Control shall appoint, after consultation with the District Advisory Council, a district medical director whose duty it shall be to protect the public health in the district.
SECTION 44-3-120. Creation and membership of Advisory Council.
There is also hereby created the Catawba Health District Advisory Council. Membership of the Advisory Council shall consist of sixteen members and shall be based upon population and community needs of the district. The initial membership shall consist of three members from Chester County, five members from Lancaster County and eight members from York County, who shall be appointed by the Governor upon the recommendation of the legislative delegations of the respective counties. The members of the Advisory Council shall serve for a term of four years or until their successors are appointed and qualify, except that eight of the sixteen members of the initial Board shall serve for an initial term of two years. The eight members having two-year terms shall be chosen by lot. Advisory Council members shall be appointed for terms commencing July 1, 1973.
SECTION 44-3-130. Powers and duties of Advisory Council.
The Catawba Health District Advisory Council shall be subject to the supervisory and advisory control of the Department of Health and Environmental Control. The District Advisory Council shall be charged with the duty of advising the district medical director in all matters of sanitary interest and scientific importance bearing upon the protection of the public health.
SECTION 44-3-140. Officers of Advisory Council.
The Advisory Council shall elect a chairman annually from its membership. The district medical director shall be secretary of the Advisory Council.
SECTION 44-3-150. Direction and control of county health departments.
The Chester County Health Department, the Lancaster County Health Department and the York County Health Department, including county health officers, medical directors and county administrators, shall be directly responsible to and under the direction and control of the district medical director who shall be responsible to and under the direction and control of the Director of the Department of Health and Environmental Control.