SECTION 46-42-10. Responsibility, training and certification of persons engaged in sampling, grading and inspection of grains and oilseeds.
All dealers and handlers engaged in the grading of grain and oilseeds shall be responsible for the proper grade determination as set forth by the official United States Standards for grain or those approved by the Commissioner of Agriculture. All persons engaged in grading of grains and oilseeds shall be certified or supervised by a person certified by the South Carolina Department of Agriculture. Training and certification of persons engaged in sampling, grading and inspection of grains and oilseeds shall be made available by the South Carolina Department of Agriculture.
SECTION 46-42-20. Equipment and procedures used in sampling, grading and inspection of grains and oilseeds.
All equipment used and procedures employed in the sampling, grading and inspection of grains and oilseeds shall be capable of consistently producing results in accordance with those specified by the United States Grain Standards Act or those approved by the Commissioner of Agriculture. The Commissioner of Agriculture (Commissioner) or his agent may inspect all equipment and procedures and may condemn equipment and suspend certificates when inaccuracies occur.
SECTION 46-42-30. Portion of sample to be retained for checking when discount or weight deduction is assessed.
If requested by the deliverer of grain or oilseed on which a discount or weight deduction is assessed, one-half must be placed and sealed in a tamper-proof container provided by the Department of Agriculture and the container must be returned to the deliverer of the grain or oilseed sampled, tested or graded. Records shall be maintained for a period of one year on each lot of grain or oilseed for which a grade is determined by the dealer and handler in order to assist the Commissioner in evaluation grading performance. The Commissioner may suspend or revoke a grader's certificate when he deems the grader incapable of competent performance.
SECTION 46-42-40. Laws governing weighing devices, personnel and procedures.
All weighing devices used by grain or oilseed dealers and handlers shall be those approved by weights and measures laws. Personnel and procedures shall conform to the provisions of the Public Weighmasters Law.
SECTION 46-42-50. Printout or punch ticket required; design; contents; to serve as receipt.
Dealers and handlers shall be required to issue a printout or punch ticket of a design approved by the Commissioner for each lot of grain or oilseed received into custody of such dealers and handlers. The printout or punch ticket shall contain all weighing, grading and disposition information needed for proper identity, including:
(1) Date;
(2) Name and address of the dealer and handler and his public weighmaster number;
(3) owner of commodity;
(4) vehicle identity;
(5) gross, tare and new weight or in the case of hopper weighing, net weight of load;
(6) type commodity;
(7) percentage of moisture;
(8) percentage of foreign material, other factors determined (specify);
(9) grade assigned;
(10) disposition of commodity;
(11) signature of person weighing and grading.
The printout or punch ticket shall serve as a receipt that grain or oilseed was received into custody by the dealer or handler issuing the printout or punch ticket, unless otherwise stated on the ticket.
SECTION 46-42-70. Promulgation of regulations.
The Department of Agriculture shall promulgate regulations to implement the provisions of this chapter.
SECTION 46-42-80. Penalties for violation of chapter.
Any person violating the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in an amount not to exceed one thousand dollars or imprisoned for a term not to exceed six months or both.