SECTION 59-44-10. Short title.
This chapter may be cited as the Community Education Act of 1976.
SECTION 59-44-20. Declaration of purpose.
The General Assembly finds that in recognition of the fact that the school, as the prime educational institution of the community, is most effective when it involves the people of that community in a process designed to fulfill their education needs, and since community education promotes a more efficient use of community facilities through an extension of buildings, personnel, and equipment, it is the purpose of this chapter to facilitate the provision of recreational, educational, cultural, social, health and other community services, in accordance with the needs, interests and concerns of the community, through the establishment of the community education programs, for such activities, in cooperation with other governmental agencies and community service organizations.
SECTION 59-44-30. "Community education" defined.
For the purpose of this chapter "community education" is a process by which public facilities are utilized as community centers operated in conjunction with governmental agencies and community service organizations to provide educational, recreational, cultural, social, health and other community services for all persons in the community in accordance with the needs, interests, and concerns of that community.
SECTION 59-44-40. Duties of State Department of Education.
The State Department of Education shall promote the implementation and operation of community education programs throughout the State of South Carolina.
SECTION 59-44-50. Community education advisory council.
A nine member state community education advisory council, representing recreation, health, cultural, social services, community services, education, business-industry, aged and minority groups, shall be appointed by the State Superintendent of Education, for the purpose of promoting furtherance of this chapter and the advancement of recreational, educational, cultural, social and health opportunities through the maximum utilization of public facilities. Members of the council shall be appointed for a four year term; provided, that staggered terms shall be established so that after the first year no more than one-fourth of the members will be appointed in a given year. A minority of the council constitute a quorum.
SECTION 59-44-60. School districts authorized to coordinate community education programs.
The board of trustees of each school district of the State is hereby authorized to, but not obligated to, coordinate a community education program in its district. Each participating board shall provide the general supervision of the program.