1-40-24. Performance of functions of Department of Health, secretary of health, and director of Division of Environmental Health relating to air quality and solid waste, radiation monitoring and mineral exploration, and control of hazardous materials and wastes--Transfer of personnel and budget of Division of Environmental Health. The functions of the Department of Health, the secretary of health, and the director of the Division of Environmental Health pursuant to chapters 34A-1 and 34A-6, their functions relating to radiation monitoring and control for mineral exploration, mining, milling, and processing pursuant to chapter 34-21, and their functions dealing with the generation, transportation, treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials and wastes are transferred to the department and secretary of environment and natural resources. The personnel and budget of the Division of Environmental Health are transferred to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
Source: SL 1981, ch 374, § 25; SL 1991, ch 17 (Ex. Ord. 91-4), § 17.