The reduction of real If household income is property taxes due at least: but not more than shall be $ 0 $4,200 35% 4,201 4,288 34% 4,289 4,376 33% 4,377 4,464 32% 4,465 4,552 31% 4,553 4,640 30% 4,641 4,728 29% 4,729 4,816 28% 4,817 4,904 27% 4,905 4,992 26% 4,993 5,080 25% 5,081 5,168 24% 5,169 5,256 23% 5,257 5,344 22% 5,345 5,432 21% 5,433 5,520 19% 5,521 5,608 18% 5,609 5,669 17% 5,670 5,757 16% over 5,758 No reduction
Source: SL 1987, ch 86, § 6; SL 1988, ch 96, § 6; SL 1992, ch 79.