10-22-20. Sheriff's receipt for taxes--Cancellation of tax and issuance of treasurer's receipt. The county treasurer shall furnish the sheriff with triplicate receipts having the following words printed thereon: "Sheriff's receipt for mobile home taxes." Upon the collection of any taxes, interest, penalties, fees, or costs, the sheriff shall issue receipts therefor, the original to be delivered to the payor and the duplicate receipt to be filed with the treasurer. The treasurer shall cancel such tax upon the duplicate tax list in his office and enter thereon the date and number of the sheriff's receipt. The treasurer shall issue a regular tax receipt for the full amount and promptly deliver the receipt to the tax debtor.
Source: SL 1915, ch 296, § 7; SL 1917, ch 133, § 4; RC 1919, § 6777; SDC 1939, § 57.1016; SL 1992, ch 80, § 184.