10-47B-125. Tax refund available to licensed exporter. A licensed exporter may apply for and obtain a refund for taxes paid to this state on motor fuel and undyed special fuel under the following conditions:
(1) Fuel which was loaded at a bulk plant in this state and exported to another state or country for which the exporter was specifically licensed and for which a bill of lading or diversion ticket was issued indicating a destination state other than South Dakota, and the fuel was reported to the export state;
(2) Fuel that is loaded at a terminal in this state for which a bill of lading was issued indicating South Dakota as the destination state, if the fuel or a portion thereof is diverted to another state and if a diverted load ticket is issued indicating the export state as the destination state; and the exporter is specifically licensed to import fuel into that state;
(3) Fuel that is withdrawn from an out-of-state terminal, and purchased from a licensed out-of-state supplier, with a South Dakota destination, and is then diverted to another state; and
(4) Ethyl alcohol loaded at an ethanol producer's plant in this state for which a bill of lading was issued indicating South Dakota as the destination state, if the fuel or a portion thereof is diverted to another state and if a diverted load ticket is issued indicating the export state as the destination state; and the exporter is specifically licensed to import fuel into that state.
The claimant shall submit a copy of the original bill of lading, and a copy of the diversion.
Source: SL 1995, ch 71, § 125; SL 1999, ch 58, § 41; SL 2010, ch 66, § 23.