15-24-11. Technical. (a) Video cameras, still cameras, audio equipment, and other equipment to be used by the media in the courtroom during judicial proceedings must be unobtrusive and must not produce distracting sound or bear the insignia of any media organization. Cameras are to be designed or modified so participants in the judicial proceedings are unable to determine when recording occurs.
(b) When practical, media organizations may use existing audio recording systems in the courtroom. If the media representatives determine that the existing system does not produce sound of sufficient quality, they may provide equipment. All such equipment shall be unobtrusive and shall be of adequate technical quality to prevent interference with the judicial proceedings being covered. No modifications of existing systems shall be made at public expense and without court approval.
(c) With the approval of the court or Chief Justice for the court, modifications may be made in light sources existing in the courtroom (e.g., higher wattage light bulbs), provided such modifications are installed and maintained without public expense.
Source: Supreme Court Rule 01-08.