15-24-12. Equipment and Pooling. The following limitations on the amount of equipment and number of media personnel in the courtroom shall apply:
Video cameras. Not more than two video cameras, each operated by not more than one cameraperson, shall be permitted in the courtroom during a judicial proceeding. Where possible, recording and broadcast equipment that is not a component part of a video camera shall be located outside of the courtroom at a place designated by the court.
Still cameras. Not more than two still camera photographers shall be permitted in the courtroom during a judicial proceeding. Each photographer will be allowed two camera bodies.
Audio. Not more than one audio system shall be set up in the courtroom for media coverage of a judicial proceeding. Audio recording shall be accomplished from any existing audio system present in the courtroom, with the court's approval, if such recording would be technically suitable for media use. Where possible, electronic audio recording equipment and any operating personnel shall be located outside of the courtroom at a place designated by the court.
Personal Recorders. Reporters, in the interest of accuracy, may use hand-held audio recorders in the courtroom. Such devices must have built-in microphones that are no more sensitive than the human ear. These personal recording devices are to be used for reporters' notes and not to gather sound for redistribution by the media. As with other media equipment, such personal recorders must not produce distracting sound or bear a media organization's insignia. Tapes may not be changed when court is in session.
Pooling. Where the above limitations on equipment and personnel make it necessary, the media shall be required to pool equipment and personnel. Pooling arrangements shall be the sole responsibility of the media coordinator. The court shall not be called upon to mediate any dispute as to the appropriate media representatives authorized to cover a particular judicial proceeding.
Location of equipment and personnel. Equipment and operating personnel permitted inside the courtroom by these rules shall be located in, and coverage of the proceedings shall take place from, an area or areas within the courtroom designated by the court or Chief Justice for the court. The area or areas designated shall provide reasonable access to the proceeding to be covered.
Source: Supreme Court Rule 01-08.