16-18-2.3. Certification of legal intern by law school dean--Filing--Effective period--Withdrawal by dean or termination by Supreme Court. The certification pursuant to § 16-18-2.2 by the law school dean of a law student to become and perform as a legal intern:
(1) Shall be filed with the clerk of the Supreme Court and, unless it is sooner withdrawn, it shall remain in effect until the expiration of the term fixed by the certificate of the dean, or until the announcement by the Board of Bar Examiners of this state of the results of the first bar examination following the student's graduation, whichever is earlier. Provided, that as to any student who passes such examination, or for whom such examination is waived pursuant to the former § 16-16-6.1, the certification shall continue in effect until the date he or she is admitted to practice law pursuant to § 16-16-17; but such continuation shall not exceed three months. However, any student who fails such examination on the first occasion may apply to the dean of such law school and obtain, upon a showing of good cause in good faith, an extension certificate until the results of the next bar examination are announced.
(2) May be withdrawn by the dean at any time by mailing a notice to that effect to the clerk of the Supreme Court, which shall be filed by the clerk. Such withdrawal may be without notice or hearing and without any showing of cause.
(3) May be terminated by the Supreme Court at any time without notice or hearing and without any showing of cause. Notice of termination shall be filed with the clerk of the court.
Source: Supreme Court Order No. 3, 1969; Supreme Court Rule 75-4, § 2; Supreme Court Rule 89-14.