Delegates to the Convention to Ratify the Proposed Amendment
The Congress has proposed an amendment to the Constitution of the United States which provides (insert here the substance of the proposed amendment).
The Congress has also proposed that the said amendment shall be ratified by conventions in the States.
The Following Candidates for Delegates to the State Convention are The Following Candidates for Delegates to the State Convention are In Favor of the ratification of the proposed amendment. To vote for any candidate whose name appears in the column below mark a cross (x) or check mark (.) in the square at the left of the name of the candidate. Do not vote for more candidates than are to be elected to said office. Opposed to the ratification of the proposed amendment. To vote for any candidate whose name appears in the column below mark a cross (x) or check mark (.) in the square at the left of the name of the candidate. Do not vote for more candidates than are to be elected to said office. Vote for (insert number of delegates to be nominated). Vote for (insert number of delegates to be nominated). DELEGATES TO CONVENTION DELEGATES TO CONVENTION * John Doe * Henry Coe * Richard Roe * Samuel Moe
Source: SDC 1939, § 55.1004.