22-24B-22. Definitions. Terms used in §§ 22-24B-22 to 22-24B-28, inclusive, mean:
(1) "Community safety zone," the area that lies within five hundred feet from the facilities and grounds of any school, public park, public playground, or public pool, including the facilities and grounds itself;
(2) "Loiter," to remain for a period of time and under circumstances that a reasonable person would determine is for the primary purpose of observing or contacting minors;
(3) "School," any public, private, denominational, or parochial school offering preschool, kindergarten, or any grade from one through twelve;
(4) "Residence," the address an offender lists for purposes of the sex offender registry as provided for in subdivision 22-24B-8(3).
Source: SL 2006, ch 125, § 1.