23-5A-1. Definition of terms. Terms used in this chapter mean:
(1) "CODIS," the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Combined DNA Index System that allows the storage and exchange of DNA records submitted by federal, state, and local forensic DNA laboratories. The term includes the national DNA identification index administered and operated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation;
(2) "Conviction," includes a finding of guilt by a jury or a court, guilty plea, plea of nolo contendere, or finding of not guilty by reason of insanity or mental disease or defect. A finding of not guilty by reason of insanity or mental disease or defect is considered a conviction solely for purposes of this chapter insofar as such finding requires a person to provide a DNA sample;
(3) "Criminal justice agency," an agency or institution of a federal, state, or local government, other than the office of the public defender, which performs as part of its principal function, activities relating to the apprehension, investigation, prosecution, adjudication, incarceration, supervision, or rehabilitation of criminal offenders;
(4) "DNA," deoxyribonucleic acid;
(5) "DNA record," the DNA identification information stored in the State DNA Database or CODIS for the purpose of generating investigative leads or supporting statistical interpretation of DNA test results. The DNA record is the result obtained from the DNA analysis. The DNA record is comprised of the characteristics of a DNA sample which are of value in establishing the identity of individuals. The results of all DNA identification analyses on an individual's DNA sample are also collectively referred to as the DNA profile of an individual;
(6) "DNA sample," a biological sample provided by any person with respect to offenses covered by this chapter or submitted to the South Dakota State Forensic Laboratory pursuant to this chapter for analysis or storage or both;
(7) "FBI," the Federal Bureau of Investigation;
(8) "Qualifying offense," any felony offense under the laws of this state, a crime of violence as defined in § 22-1-2 , or a violation of chapter 22-22.
Source: SL 2003, ch 133, § 1.